
Hoopin' on the Hill
Mankato 3 on 3
Loyola High School Parking Lot
29th Anniversary!
Saturday, August 3rd, 2024
Games Start at 9AM
Loyola Youth Basketball Jamboree
The Loyola Booster Club is sponsoring an introductory basketball clinic for K, 1st & 2nd grade Loyola boys & girls interested in learning the basics of basketball such as dribbling, passing, and shooting. The goal of the clinic is to have FUN while learning a little about the game and spending time with friends!
Practice Dates: Wednesdays, January 3,10,17 & 24
K: 6-6:50pm
K Performance: Thurs Jan 25 Girls Varsity vs Nicollet
1&2: 7-8pm
1&2 Performance: Tues, Jan 30 Boys Varsity vs Cleveland
Loyola Gym (the Hill)
FREE!!! All costs covered by the Loyola Booster Club, including t-shirt and locker decorations
Registration: Click here to register. The deadline to register is December 25. Late registration and walk-ins are welcome, but will not be assured of a t-shirt.
Questions: Contact Scott Morgan at 507-382-2824 or
Parent Volunteers are welcome and encouraged to help!
Cyclone Wrestling Match
St. Clair/Loyola Cyclones Wrestling Match at Fitzgerald Gymnasium!
Come be part of the first wrestling match held at Fitz in over a decade!

Hoopin' on the Hill
Mankato 3 on 3
Loyola High School Parking Lot
26th Anniversary!
Saturday, August 14, 2021
Games Start at 9AM